
The environment (Land, water, air and their bio-diversities) which life and development processes depend on is endangered with its ecosystem on one hand, the crisis of Man against Environment and Man against Man on the other hand. This global trend indeed, constitutes the fulcrum of Mac-Jim Foundation’s focus, commitment and pursuit to orientate ‘Man’ towards a positive systematic change and the need to care for the environment.
The issue of environmental health and soundness in the Niger Delta is far beyond the danger constituted by climatic conditions and lack of awareness or ignorance of the dire, ill-consequences, which environmental abuse portends to the health, safety and development process of Man and the society. It is indeed, the inculcation of positive human orientation in the pursuit of environmental management, which underlines the essence of our mission. Thus, just as Dr. M.K. Tolba, the first Executive Director of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) said, “environmentalism has grown in every respect and it is here to stay” so must the orientation of people in terms of protection, conservation, preservation and management (PCPM) of the environment be made inherent in us and our endeavors.



Environmental challenges in the Niger Delta region have become extremely overwhelming and on the verge of being irremediable if the continuous degradation is not stopped. Mac-Jim Foundation is devoted to sensitizing and building awareness of all stakeholders to address the environmental degradation in the Niger Delta. To achieve this, we engage Government, Oil Companies and Communities to understand, develop, promote and enforce guidelines, policies, laws, and regulations on the following focal areas:

Thematic Areas