About Us
The issue of environmental health and soundness in the Niger Delta is far beyond the danger constituted by climatic conditions and lack of awareness or ignorance of the dire, ill-consequences, which environmental abuse portends to the health, safety and development process of Man and the society. It is indeed, the inculcation of positive human orientation in the pursuit of environmental management, which underlines the essence of our mission. Thus, just as Dr. M.K. Tolba, the first Executive Director of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) said, “environmentalism has grown in every respect and it is here to stay” so must the orientation of people in terms of protection, conservation, preservation and management (PCPM) of the environment be made inherent in us and our endeavors.
The Birth of Mac-Jim Foundation
Indeed our environment is to be kept in the balance with due preservation, conservation, protection and management (PCPM) in order to make our integrated development pursuit fruitfully sustained. The best way to achieve this goal is to positively change the present orientation of Man in every sphere of endeavor and locality, thus, the need for an organization to drive this process of orientation in communities. To this extent, a circle of friends decided to continue our quest to help Mankind by volunteering to carry out activities that will empower citizens in addressing the challenges of life. It is the desire burn out of the curiosity to empower mankind that gave rise to the birth of Mac-Jim Foundation.
Mac-Jim Foundation was formerly registered in Bayelsa State as Environmental Health and Safety Network. It is not – for – profit, Non-Governmental Organization, which came into operation in the year 2004 in Bayelsa State of Nigeria. Registered on the 11th of March 2014. It is a product of development research and common consensus of like – minded persons that have the desire to learn from development based practitioners in the third sector across the world and impact positively in the areas of our operation. Mac-Jim Foundation focuses on achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs) particularly, environment and sustainable community development. We believe that community people are better disposed to identify their challenges and proffer solutions or know best how to address their challenges in all respect. To this extent, we work with communities to drive the process of sustainable development in:
- Environmental Health Protection
- Environmental Justice
- Sustainable Livelihoods Development
- Good Governance and Leadership
Mac-Jim Foundation envisions a society where civic engagement for alternative solutions are valued and practiced by all people in service for the common good of all
The mission of Mac-Jim Foundation is to improve the quality of life in all our communities by providing Leadership skills and alternative solutions that builds enduring assets and sustainable development as well as promoting community determinations and resolutions through research, convening’s and actions that advance democracy and good governance.
Promote Alternative livelihood solutions through increased public support for Agriculture, environmental justice, poverty reduction, good governance and sustainable development.
- To foster a conducive environment for agricultural development and food security
- To foster environmental management, economic diversification through skill acquisition programs
- To initiate mechanisms that will enhance poverty reduction
- To promote peace and security in Nigeria
- To support and promote climate change mitigation processes and environmental justice
- To promote and enhance accessibility of information for skill acquisition, entrepreneurship, job opportunities and self-reliance among youth
- To promote gender equity, women rights and social justice
- To initiate programs that will enhance good governance and sustainable development through advocacy, research and documentation
“ Preserve the Past – Protect what’s Good – Create a Better Future”
Stewardship: We maintain a high standard of integrity in community service, institutional governance and fiscal management.
Community: We value an inclusive forum for civic engagement that promotes alternative solutions, responsible and impactful philanthropic activities as well as collective actions, shared values and diverse beliefs.
Collaborations: We partner with volunteers, community leaders, civil society organizations, government and private sector to provide high impact programs, services and knowledge that benefit all stakeholders.
Inclusion and Equity: We respect and value the contributions and experiences of all members of our community in the work that we do.
Service: We engage in actions that promote the common good of all stakeholders. We commit ourselves to serving society by identifying community needs. We carry out our service with respect to all and in utmost diligence.
Legacy: We honor the contributions of all donors and those who have worked tirelessly in the past to ensure the wellbeing of all stakeholders.
Pledge: We pledge to work in harmony with communities and donors
Membership of Coalition
Mac-Jim Foundation is a member of the following Networks
- Bayelsa Non Governmental Organizations Forum (BANGOF)
- National Coalition on Gas Flaring and Oil Spill in the Niger Delta (NACGOND)